It's been a crazy couple months I guess. I didn't forget to knit, or forget about the blog, I just got really busy! School was a nightmare. I barely stayed above water. But I made it through and enjoyed my month off (July). Had to go back to school, NOT voluntarily, to learn about adult education. Grumble, grumble, grumble, I just finished 3 weeks of it. Although I would rather have been walking Bones, knitting, reading non-school books, etc., it was actually very informative and I know I will use a lot of what I learned.
Anyways, Chels came to visit in June and bought some wool for me to make her some slippers (since she wore through the soles of her snugs). I thought they turned out great! I almost didn't want to give them to her, but since she paid for them...

AJ and I went to BC at the end of June for 10 days. Spent almost the whole time in Tofino. Beautiful place. AJ got lots of surfing in, well, a couple days anyway. I got lots of knitting in. I knit Pre and Leanne's little Leland another sweater (forgot to take a picture of it before I gave it to them, so will have to wait for Leanne to send me one). And knit my friend Amy's baby Jasper this sweater. I knit it in a day. I found out we were going to get to have lunch with them and sat down and got right to it!

Wasn't sure how it would fit, but looks pretty good to me! He is adorable. Amy is a fantastic mum.

Speaking of babies, I am going to have to start knitting for my own soon, since I am 16 weeks pregnant :) I totally want to recall all the stuff I have knit in the past for friends because I just won't have enough time to get anough things knit! I want my baby wearing lots of homemade stuff.
I plan on having a table at the Wilson's Greenhouse craft sale again in November, so I have so much to do. I also have two new courses to teach on top of General Chemistry this fall, Pharmacology and Immunology. It's going to be a ridiculous couple months and then a fun-filled year with baby. It's all overwhelming right now. I should go knit...