Another Sunday, another week closer to my friggin submission date. It feels like this damn thesis is never going to be good enough to submit, but luckily I don't care! I will hand it in no matter what. Because that's what I do, I hand things in on time. Chris seems ok with my status, as does my uni supervisor Dave, so if they both feel ok, I guess I can too...
So here is the black hat, made longer. I like it SO much better. But it is massive and I am thinking of felting it. Either that or giving it to someone with a massive head. Any takers?? If you have a large head and are looking for a new hat, let me know.

This next one is called reasonably hip and the pattern is available in the December issue of Magknits online. I love it. It's awesome. There are just so many great patterns available online nowadays. Knitting is seriously way more popular than people realize. It's hot. It's cool. Well, we knitters think so anyway.

All these hat patterns, although awesome, are not quite how I would do it, so of course I made up my own - and funnily enough, I like it the best. See below. This one is for AJ. I am sending it to him for Valentine's Day. I hope he likes it. I think it's rad. I will also be knitting this hat for Pre, in brown. I'm seriously in love with this hat. I think it the coolest hat ever. I love it. I hope AJ and Pre love it as much as I do. If they don't they can just give them back to me so I can wear them!

So I really need to get back to writing. It feels like I have got sweet FA done today. And that is not good. I have to go teach a step class in an hour too. Yikes. Time even flies when you're not having fun.
Oh yeah, and wanna hear something sick? I was reaching for a pile of papers on my desk today when a cockroach ran across the papers and onto the desk. Um yeah I freaked a bit and Alex who happened to be in the office chuckled but then helped me get it out of here and then he killed it. Ew, seriously? A cockroach in my friggin office?? That's a bit much...