I entered this contest. I don't usually enter contests, but this one - well, I just couldn't pass it up. There is a website called knitty.com and they have issues for every season. In the issues are various patterns that you can download for free. Some of them are a bit unusual, but some of them are awesome. I have downloaded quite a few patterns. For the contest, you were allowed 3 pictures, of the same garment or different ones, that will be going in a calendar of knitty knits. The point was to make nice pictures that would look good on a wall for a month, showing off the piece (not just knitter wearing the garment, posing with a cheesy smile). Below are the pictures I entered. The little girl in the picture with me is Wallis (7), daughter of my friend Jenny and she is wearing a poncho I knit for her a couple years ago. Quite an eyesore actually, but she chose the colours and wool and LOVES it. She does look rather cute in it too. The photographer was Sidonie (13) (Jenny's other daughter). The knitty garments are the vest, the headband and the fingerless gloves. I have my fingers crossed. We had little time, so we had only one photo session, but I think they are ok. And I am just glad I entered. Wish me luck!!

We call this one "Picking grapefruit". Many kiwis have fruit trees if some sort in their backyards.

This one is called "Crossing the street".

Simply called "Cuppa tea".
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