Sunday, June 24, 2007
Only 2 more weeks!
Well, my trip is only 2 weeks away and I am getting super excited but also nervous. I had my tetanus shot today and I warned the nurse that I was a huge suck, so she got a nother nurse to hold my hand and I looked away and while I was talking she just jabbed it in, no warning, nothing. It was perfect. I mean the shot would never be enjoyable, but the quicker the better I think. How embarassing, 28 years old and holding a nurses hand. I can't help it - I hate needles! It was over quick though and now I am just left with an achey right arm. I feel like I am pretty much ready. I am worried about crazy mosquito bites because the little buggers love me (I must have deliciously sweet blood), but I bought a bunch of tropical strength mozzie repellent and plan on bathing in it every day. I know what I am going to pack too, I have a checklist. It's a pretty small one, it will be interesting to see how I cope with 2 outfits for the whole trip. I shudder at the thought. I just know that I have to carry my pack everywhere and the lighter the better. How exciting!! I am so not the backpacker type. This trip could make or break me, and my relationship with AJ. We haven't spent that much time together, I haven't seen him in 4 months, and soon we will be together for a month, day and night. I'm going in with a positive attitude. It's scary, but it will be a blast. And I cannot wait to get out of cold, wet and windy New Zealand. I've had enough rain and wind for awhile. I can't wait for the sun and heat! And especially after the brutal past month I am so looking forward to this trip. Only 2 more weeks...
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Canada vs the All Blacks

I debated whether or not I should go to the Canada vs the All Blacks game here in Hamilton on Saturday June 16th. What?????? Yeah, that's what I thought when I finally gave my head a shake. I would have kicked my own ass if I had have missed it. And despite losing 64-13, Canada actually put up a relatively good fight, check out this quote from the All Blacks web page
"Though they beat Canada 64-13 at Waikato Stadium on Saturday night, the All Blacks admitted they were flattered by the scoreline, had underestimated the Canadians and needed to improve quickly before Sunday's test against the Springboks in Durban."
"Henry admitted Canada were better than he had thought they would be after they held the All Blacks to 26-13 at halftime before New Zealand's superior fitness and speed told in the second half.The All Blacks were poor in the first half, playing like a side that expected the points to come, and skipper Reuben Thorne admitted they were surprised by the aggression of the Canadians."
Nice. Go Canada. And as I ran to the right gate (no matter who I go with, we always sem to be at the wrong gate right when the national anthems start!) and I heard Oh Canada, I was overcome with emotion. I haven't heard our national anthem in so long, and being as homesick as I am, it was wonderful to hear. The haka was wicked, as usual. Hopefully someone I know in Canada got to see the haka and how cool it is. All in all, I am so glad I went. I doubt I will ever again get to see the All Blacks play Canada, although I do hope that that wasn't the last time I see the All Blacks live. My favorite team.
Monday, June 11, 2007
More smiles
I had a nice long chat with Ross and Ang last night. That always make me feel better. And of course had some little comments thrown in from Ella. Hearing that sweet little baby voice always makes me happy. They were here awhile ago and I was lucky enough to go to dinner with them and brunch the next day! It was great since I haven't had the chance to see them much since Gisborne in October (which is where the picture below was taken). Here are some pictures from the last time I saw them. Ella can fully talk now, in sentences, and she says the most adorable things. She read to me (sort of) at the restaurant and it was too cute. I hate that they live so far away because it is so hard for to get away from Hamilton to get down to Hawkes Bay for a weekend. I am going to try once I am back from Thailand to get down there (if Chris lets me - the pressure is majorly on) but if all else fails, I will definitely spend a good 2 weeks with them before I leave the country to go home.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
When I need to smile
I know this is an old picture, but it is one of the things I look at right now to make myself happy. I'm really homesick. I miss my parents more than anything. I miss AJ. I love New Zealand and I know that when I am not here anymore I will want to be here, but right now things are just, well, I just feel different.
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
New stuff
I sort of got sick of BlogSpirit because it is not that user friendly. I see all my friends blogs and they have pictures posted right in their posts and I want that! But try as I may, I can't do that on my other blog. So I thought, stuff it. I'll get a new blog like everyone else's and have fun pictures and stuff like that.
I don't really have much to say right now. I am pretty consumed with the whole "Doug" situation. It's all I can think about. I am getting super behind in work and it sucks, because I leave in less than 5 weeks (YAY!!!) to go meet AJ in Thailand and I have so much to do before then. It's just so hard. The whole ordeal has been very traumatic. I am trying to be strong and move on as fast as I can, but this crazy thing and how it's affecting me, well, I have no control over it... yet. One day soon I will have my sanity back.
New Zealand is heading in to winter, and fast. It went from nice autumn weather with the leaves falling and the odd hot day, to cold and rainy with the odd frost. It's ok because I am staying in a house (my boss fro the gym) for the next month and they have a cozy warm house with a heat pump which I of course have cranked all the time. I am looking after their 20 year-old (yes, 20, not a typo) cat who is super cute even though I don't like cats. She's blind and slow and does cute quirky little things. She actually looks and acts like an old lady. She sits really slowly (probably so she doesn't break a hip) and sometimes she drools, poor thing. But it's nice to have something to look after right now.
I should probably get started today. I am pretty slack since the "incident", I can't concentrate at all. But at least I have started to actually do things in the lab again. I think my supervisor is pretty worried that I won't finish my thesis. But I will. I always finish things I start. I will finish and and it in on time. That's all for now.
I don't really have much to say right now. I am pretty consumed with the whole "Doug" situation. It's all I can think about. I am getting super behind in work and it sucks, because I leave in less than 5 weeks (YAY!!!) to go meet AJ in Thailand and I have so much to do before then. It's just so hard. The whole ordeal has been very traumatic. I am trying to be strong and move on as fast as I can, but this crazy thing and how it's affecting me, well, I have no control over it... yet. One day soon I will have my sanity back.
New Zealand is heading in to winter, and fast. It went from nice autumn weather with the leaves falling and the odd hot day, to cold and rainy with the odd frost. It's ok because I am staying in a house (my boss fro the gym) for the next month and they have a cozy warm house with a heat pump which I of course have cranked all the time. I am looking after their 20 year-old (yes, 20, not a typo) cat who is super cute even though I don't like cats. She's blind and slow and does cute quirky little things. She actually looks and acts like an old lady. She sits really slowly (probably so she doesn't break a hip) and sometimes she drools, poor thing. But it's nice to have something to look after right now.
I should probably get started today. I am pretty slack since the "incident", I can't concentrate at all. But at least I have started to actually do things in the lab again. I think my supervisor is pretty worried that I won't finish my thesis. But I will. I always finish things I start. I will finish and and it in on time. That's all for now.
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