I have missed blogging my knit stuff! I was busy over the past year having a baby (Alaina Lily McCannell was born 16 days late on February 17th, 2011), being a mommy, buying a cabin, travelling, etc. I was knitting all the while, but just completely forgot about my little blog. Well, I'm back. Here is a picture of my adorable little baby girl. She was about 3 or 4 months old in this picture. She is now just over a year old!

The year off with Alaina went by really fast. Here she is at about 4 or 5 months:

Here is a picture of us on the deck of the cabin we bought this summer. it took some hard core convincing for AJ to agree, but we are so happy we bought it.

Here she is with Chels, Jered, my dad, gram and aunt Connie at Chels and Jered's wedding:

While Aunt Connie was in Saskatoon visiting, she bought Alaina a little Riders outfit since the McCannells are die hard Rider fans.

This is Alaina at my parents house in Winnipeg on Christmas morning. She was spoiled and got tons of presents.

And here we are at Alaina's first birthday party. I made her a (healthy) banana cake with (healthy) chocolate icing. It seriously was healthy. AJ hated it :)

Ok, back to knits. Here is a picture of the blanket I knit for Alaina (when I didn't know if she was a boy or girl):

Melissa gave me a little sweater that she bought at Superstore for Amaya and asked if I could knit something like it, so I came up with this:

I did the Wilson's Greenhouse Craft Show again in November 2011 (it was my third year at the show). It was a lot of fun. My mum and sister came here to Saskatoon to work it with me. Here is my table:

As much as I love knitting all the things for the craft sale, I have decided that I am not going to get another table this year. It is quite discouraging. I put my heart and soul into my knits and try to be creative and make things that I think are beautiful and hope others think are beautiful. Unfortunately, the majority of people that come to the craft sale are cheap, and quite honestly, extremely rude. They gawk at the price of everything (and personally I think all of my goods are very reasonably priced. Some have told me my prices are too low even - but these people appreciate hand made goods), and I very often hear the remark, "I could do that." So I have decided that instead of making up a bunch of premade items and trying to sell them, I am going to just do custom orders. I have already had quite a few, and it is much more satisfying to make something for someone who wants it, than making something in the hopes that someone will want it. This is a pair of my legwarmers that are quite popular. I have sold several pairs of these:

Also, these headbands FLEW off the table. I couldn't knit them fast enough. I would finish one, put it on the table, and it would be sold within minutes.

I also sold several of these cowls. All different types of yarn. They a nice alternative to a scarf. I bought some beautiful wool in Victoria to make myself a couple. Haven't had time to yet.

And also these baby cocoons have been popular too. I love making them - they are like making a big long hat. Super easy. And babies look so cute in them!

So now I am back at work full time and have very little time to knit, but I make sure I knit at least half an hour every day. I have to. It keeps me sane. I have more to post but I'll save it for another day.