I also had time to crochet a chunky hat for my sis. It wasn't originally for her, but when she sees stuff she likes and it isn't specifically for anyone else, she gets it. It's her colour...

I am also knitting a little nongendered sweater for baby Precourt. It is going to be sweeeeeeeeeeet. I love knitting baby stuff. I have a while with this one since baby Pre isn't due till the last week in July and he/she certainly won't be wearing a sweater then...

This is all the wool I bought from Liquidation World in Yorkton one day when I was there for work. I popped in for something else... Can't remember because I was immediately drawn to the bin full of yarn. Turns out is was 10c a ball so I bought 40 and you guessed it, it only cost me $4. Best deal I have ever seen!!

Chels told me she had enough hats and needed a new pair of mitts so when we were in Victoria in February I took her to a little yarn store in Sidney and she bought this purple yarn so I could knit her some cute little mitts. Here they are.

And finally, back to the hearts. I am getting there. I need to start stuffing and sewing them and maybe testing to see if they actually felt. Wouldn't that be a bitch? Knitting all these little hearts and them not even felting. Shhhhh... of course that ISN'T what will happen. They will work the way I need them to.

Alright, off to work I go...
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