Monday, June 11, 2012


It's June! Work starts slowing down. No more students! We start going to the lake any and every time we can. No more mitts. No more warming up the car in the morning. I love June. So I have a few knitted things that I haven't posted yet. I knit them awhile ago, but got caught up in being back at work and didn't get around to posting. These arm some legwarmers in my favorite legwarmer wool - Noro. I knit them for my favorite aunt Connie. I also knit her some fingerless mitts to match, but forgot to take a photo.

These are some wellie warmers or boot toppers I knit to go inside of Hunters or any tall rubber boots. Chels and Beth and I all bought Hunters when they were at Costco and I thought they needed a little spicing up since they are so plain.


 This is a headband I knit in several colours for True Knit - which was awesome. So much better than Wilson's sale and I will definitely be getting a table at their next sale. These headbands (and other styles) flew off the table!

And lastly, although I didn't knit the items below, I did sew them. The first is a pair of leggings I sewed for Alaina using a pair of knee high socks I don't wear. The tutorial came from here: I made the 5 minute baby and toddler leggings.

I also have been sewing for Alaina like mad. I love fun, colourful fabric so have been sewing her easy, reversible dresses and hats. Here is a bonnet I sewed her using this tutorial: I LOVE this bonet and plan to make more for Alaina. Ones to match all the dresses I am making her! I also sewed her dress.

This was the first dress I sewed for Alaina. It is a lined dress, very easy. I love the lining but you really never get to see it. So the next one I made, I made it so that it is reversible.

I'll post the other dresses as I make them. This summer is going to busy!