We had Thanksgiving at our house this year after I got back from training in Montreal. AJ, his dad and his brother Ian closed the fence in which makes the backyard look much better. Now we can get a puppy!! We're gonna wait until spring.

Our kitchen is a bit small for Thanksgiving with 8 people, but the food was good and the company even better.

After dinner we had a big ole game of Cranium - boys vs girls, which, I find is always a disappointment because the girls I play with are all about fun and don't care about winning. And that always leads to the boys beating us and gloating and being completely obnoxious (it's happened more than once). But after Cranium, came Twister. It was just Ian, Melissa, AJ and I after quite a few bevvies. AJ and Ian are, surprise surprise, ridiculously competitive at this game too. AJ nearly crushed me in one match.

At the end of October, for my 30th birthday, AJ and I met 10 of our friends (from Winnipeg originally) in Las Vegas!! We got their for Halloween. We were staying in Caesar's Palace, which I am sure must be the nicest hotel in Vegas. The 12 of us dressed up like gangsters and flappers. I must say, we looked good. We had a great dinner and then hit the strip, aiming to check out all the bars along it. I think we got as far as two. It was hard to leave Casino Royale with it's $1 Margaritas and Michelobes.

The boys hit the back jack table and played for a good hour, but I don't think any of them walked away any richer.

Saturday Greg came and met us (drove down from California for the night) and we had a big evening. We went to Pure on top of our hotel and could look down on the strip. Expensive drinks, but tons of fun. AJ went out with the boys that night and sent me back to the room :( Ended up being a good move as I went outlet shopping with the girls on Sunday and AJ couldn't function!! Then Sunday night we went out for dinner at a high end restaurant in Old Vegas before going to see Cirque du Soleil "O", which was absolutely amazing. We probably should have gone to bed after that since we all left the next day, but we stayed out late one more time. It is Las Vegas after all, and who knows when we'll be back (next year for Halloween!!!!). AJ and I had a brutal Monday, most of which we spent in airports trying to get home. We got delayed due to weather and had to stay the night in Calgary. Thank god Pre and Leanne were there too and we stayed with them.
Anyways, best birthday I have had yet. Tried to convince AJ we should get married but it was a no go. Stay tuned...