Guest room before:

Disgusting nauseating torqouisey blue, hideous.

Guest room after:
Beautiful green, soft and delightful.

Then there is the HEINOUS purple rooms. I will let you know that not only was my get-ready room (girl closet, my office) a revolting purple, but the bathroom was the exact same colour, and the ceiling matched. Barf.

You hate it. I know you do because it makes me sick too... Just imagine a dark small bathroom with a dark purple ceiling. Disgusting.

So now the office is a softer, prettier, lighter brownish/purple. My room. I friggin love it.

And AJ and his dad put up a shower in our bathroom after I painted it a pleasant blue, with a white ceiling and I LOVE the bathroom now.

Our bedroom is ok. It matches the main room, a tolerable taupe colour. I can handle it, what I can't handle is that the idiots that painted it were completely careless and painted all over the ceiling as well. But I will fix it, because I take pride in our house.

And don't even get me STARTED on our backyard. The dipshits that owned the house before had a pond in the back. We didn't want it and they were to take it and leave the yard intact (fix it afterwards). They took the pond, but left 3 giant craters in our yard. We had to fill the craters and sod the yard. I'll be honest, I had a hand in filling the craters with dirt, but AJ's family did all the sod-laying. Thank you McCannells!

Now I absolutely LOVE our backyard.
Ok, so I should probably get into my job a bit. But it's late and I am tired and I don't feel like it. Just know that so far - love it. Think it will be awesome. But because this is a knitting blog, here are a couple oldies but not yet blogged knitted things.
First up, a headband I knitted myself. Pattern is from the website. I love it. It's called quant and it rocks. But I have to say that I did use the modification by MissJen, because as much as I am all for asymmetry, symmetry looks better on this headband.

Next is the boy hat I made for Liam, my good friend in NZ, who wanted a brim camo hat. I tried to get camo by using a strand of camo varigated and a strand of brown, but this is what came out. Still pretty money. Hopefully he likes it!

Oh yeah, this is Bruno, my cousin Jana's chihuahua who I adore. He is so friggin cute!!

Ok and even though I'm not gonna get into my job details tonight, here are some pics of me driving what I WISH was my company car. It's a Chevy Silverado that I had on loan until my Dodge Caravan (SO NOT as hot) was done being serviced and detailed. I felt like a monster driving this truck. I want one.

Ok. Well that about does it for tonight. I hope that this has been enjoyable for those that feel I have been slacking (which I have). I promise I will try to be more on top of it. I am crocheting AJ and I a beautiful multi-coloured afghan for the winter, because we will need it. And then it is right into Christmas pressies. Stay tuned y'all!!